Wednesday, April 22, 2009

WOW!! It has been awhile! Over 2mths to be exact! ALOT has gone on from my last post. Where to begin...? I will start with friendships...
As stated in my last blog I went threw some struggles with one of my "close" friends. The end result...we are on talking terms, but things will never be the same. The issue bothered me so much even after I would pray and pray! I left it ALL in God's hand, but I really felt like HE was speaking to me one Sunday morning. I told myself I was goin to give her one last call (let me mind you that I made several attempts to call her and NO answer). Well...still NO I left a message pleading that we talk this out today if all possible. I was so ready to let her know that it was all BLOWN way out of context. What really bothered me was that she was willing to let our friendship just go by the she never even knew me...dropped from the face of the earth! After leaving a message...I went to my room and picked up the guitar and played a song/prayer to God....yea sounds weird, but I tend to do that helps me! The phone rang...I dropped the guitar and automatically knew who it was!! She was willing to meet and asked if my hubby would come. I agreed. I was a bit fustrated that the hubby's had to be there considering it was something I was wanting to work out between us. Well...lets just say I'm glad he did come...I'll tell ya why later! We got there and I brought her a few goodies to clear the air. We finally began our long over due conversation...I told her a lil bit how I have been feeling. But then the mic was turned over and I let her talk for the most part. I was a bit disgusted by her way of thinking...I was like WHO is this person!? I began to plea to her my case, but found out quick that she still had her "wall" up and was not listening at all to a word I was saying. To make a long story short, as we were talking inside, the hubby's talked too about the situation. We made it home and I was glad it was Over...sort of. They came over to visit later that day and she saisd she talked to her hubby and that she FORGAVE me. I was a bit taken back that it took her hubby to convince her! I dunno....I just know that things will never be the same...cause you tend to learn alot about a person during a conflict. She forgave me...but what did I really do wrong!? Being honest...!? I was played out to be the "villian"! But I humbled myself and let her "think" so...
Anywho...she has started to call me from time to time and MAYBE we will get back to where we were. I just know God has his plan for WHY she is in my life...guess only time will tell!
--Kids will soon be home...
to be continued...

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