Thursday, December 11, 2008

Being thankful is constant

Well, it Thursay Dec. 11th 2008 aprox. 9:33 pm and I am bright eye and bushy! My hubby went to bed about 2 hours ago and the kids are all snug as a bug in a rug...well except Blair she has already been up and down about 3 times tonight...guess I will have to give her shorter naps! But I think she is finally asleep...SIGH...the peace and quiet.... I try to get this at least once everyday whether its early in the morn, nap-time or late, late, late at night. Today it just so happened my hubby is not feeling so well, so we didn't get to have our usual late night talks...which I LOVE!!! But I guess we all need a break from the usual routine and I guess tonight is that night. So, here I am to collect my thoughts and update you on the happenings.

Things have actually been going Great around here. I am so thankful and blessed! Of course there are the every now and then thought of "I wish I had ___" fill in the blanks, but I remind myself that I am thankful I HAVE!!!
If you could only see my house you would understand my fustrations....if its not the floor, now its the roof trying to fall in the living room, the mold problem and oh...the old house smell!! But with all of that said, I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and shelter from the storms...oh and its PAID for! I think thats what I like most about it!:) might ask or wonder how can you live in that! Well, I consider myself to be very, very, very, BLESSED despite the looks of the place. This place use to be my husbands G-maws whom they called NANNY. I remember when I first walked in this house and was amazed on how low the ceiling were, but how cozy it felt and how neat she kept it. I use to love to come here and visit with her cause it made me feel...well...good. After she passed it went to his brother and sis-in-law, then when he passed, she had it for awhile and decided to let us stay here till we could find something else. Well, at the time...we couldn't afford anything else and on several occasions almost making the biggest mistake of our lives by purchasing a house out of town. Well, as time went on...Lola finally just cut the cord and let us have it...come to find out...she never really owned it(but thats another story)! So, after we paid the taxes kenny got it in his name. Anywho...what I am trying to say is, is that we are blessed! I couldn't see it at first...but I think the Lord working through my hubby...He finally opened my eyes!! Lola was gracious to have us stay here for awhile rent we will be forever in debt to her. Thank-you Lord for having those people here at the right times for us! You always know whats best for us. Well...goin back to the "biggest mistake"...meaning to purchase something when you know you can't "really" afford it cause if you could would have bought it out right or at least had the biggest down payment to where your monthly bill would be within your range. Oh know where this is going...need I say more....DAVE RAMSEY!! FREEEEDDDOOOOMMM!!! Oh yea...I can say it...cause we have been DEBT FREE for several months now! Oh and does it feel so good! When I hear those people on his radio show call in and Yell FRRREEEEDDOOOMM!!! I want to cry my eyeballs out!!! I guess you would have to understand the meaning of it to get the gest of it. And the meaning is....I'm not telling...cause you will need to do your own research if you are in the SERIOUS market of being DEBT FREE! I've tried explaining, but I promise I don't do it justice.

Oh yea back to the house...
Well, lets just say in the beginning I fought it and fought, not meaning I literally took a hammer to it and beat it down myself though at times it did cross my mind! No, I mean I fought my husband on moving and moving so much so...that it was creating a wedge between us....and thats where as I said before my EYES were finally opened! Now...we are content in the since that we have been able to save money and by next spring "hopefully" will be able to start doing some renovating. I'm so excited about it...we have already started pricing and have plans to do our living room and bathroom first because they are in much need of an emergency makeover! OOOohhh I just can't wait!
So...there is Hope for this lil' ole house....:) If you only knew what we lived in after we got married...(thats another story) LOL!
Oh and I musn't forget....CL...he is another reason why we are still here. Everytime we have contemplated on making the move...his name would always come up. We realize he is getting older and has no children and we are all that he's got. I have to say we are so blessed to have him in our lives.

Well, I came here having no idea what I was goin to type about and this all just flowed!
Until Next time...

1 comment:

Alicia Chambers said...

Loved your post that's how most of mine are. Just sit down and start typing whatever comes out. Love ya glad you blogged! I missed ya!